Use this function to get the float value of a variable from a certain actor.
The actor can be the Player or any other actor.
This function also allows testing it a certain TAG is assigned to an actors.
If a tag / value was not assigned the function will return 0.
TYPE: Command, Non-Ref (ref-like syntax)
RETURNS: variable value
THEME: Variables
COMPARE: getActorVar, modifyActorVar
Code: Select all
Player.setActorVar(tag_Player, 1) // Set the Tag 'Player' to the Player's character
Player.setActorVar(tag_Player, -1) // Remove the Tag 'Player' from the Player's character
Player.setActorVar(SomeVariable, 42) // Set the variable to 42
val = Player.getActorVar(SomeVariable)
"The value of SomeVariable is <val>."