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[LPTuto] How to install a city map?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 7:36 pm
by Raddeck
Installing a new city map in LifePlay is very easy, you don't need to be a coder to do it.

1. Visit this link:
Open LifePlay Mods Flix, then click on "More Maps"

2. On Mega website, choose a city pack and download it to you PC.

3. Extract the archive then copy and paste its content into ...\LifePlay\Content\Heavy\StreetMap

4. So the first files: {CityName}.uasset and {CityName}.uexp go inside StreetMap folder.

5. And the files inside "Static" subfolder: {CityName}.uasset and {CityName}.uexp go inside ...\LifePlay\Content\Heavy\StreetMap\Static, subfolder.

6. That's it you're done!

For those curious: the first pair holds the map data, while the second pair holds the 3d shapes of the map itself.