Add (or change if a relationship already exists) a relationship between 2 or more NPCs.
The list for 'Type' is:
- Dating (2 actors only)
- Spouses (2 actors only)
- Siblings
- ParentChild (2 actors only, parent is Actor1, child is Actor2)
- Cousins
- BossEmployee (2 actors only, Boss is Actor1, employee is Actor2)
- Colleagues
TYPE: Command, non-Ref
COMPARE: removeNPCRelationship, hasRelationship
Code: Select all
addNpcRelationship(Dating, John, Maria)
"John and Maria have started dating. What a matchmaker I was!"
"A few months later ..."
addNPCRelationship(Spouses, John, Maria) // The 'dating' relationship will be upgraded to spouses
Jack:: "Have you met my brother, Jason?"
addNpcRelationship(Siblings, Jack, Jason)
"A few days later ... in a seperate scene perhaps"
Jack:: "Here's my sister, Natalie."
addNPCRelationship(Siblings, Jack, Natalie)
"The game will now also recognize Jason and Natalie as siblings."